#hometogether – Rob Backhouse

Chairman, principal and a head of design at Hassell, Rob Backhouse talks to More Space about his favourite artworks and design pieces, the joys of relaxing on the sofa with the family and listening to Fleetwood Mac and The Weeknd, the problem with non-fiction, his obsession with Star Wars, and saying yes to things...

Where are you working from at the moment?

At home on our mezzanine on a little matching desk side by side with my wife, Etoile. She has more monitors than me though.

What makes a house a home to you?

My family and all the things we seem to accumulate together.

What is your most valuable possession?  

I honestly can’t make that big a decision, but as long as I don’t lose any of my things I’m pretty happy. I try to only keep things I love.

Take us through some of your most design coveted pieces in your home?

The Eames Chaise is probably my oldest favourite.

If you have something from the Space collection, what do you love about it?

Our Bend sofa because all five of us can laze on it, watch TV, or just hang together.

Favourite recipe?

Anything my wife and her mother cook, seriously.

Favourite room or nook of the house, and why? 

Our living area is my favourite, it’s a big voluminous space with great natural light. I’d like a nook but we don’t really have any, unless you count the stairway to the roof where we hide our ironing board?

Your favourite artwork?

Our favourite artwork is probably the Bill Henson, along with a photographic work by Chantal Fraser.

Saying yes to things you normally say no to is actually OK… just ask our kids.

Rob Backhouse

Favourite song?

Typically (and embarrassingly to my wife) old Fleetwood Mac. Currently on high rotation is The Weeknd’s new album.

Tell us something about yourself not many people know?

I rarely finish non-fiction books which I find disappointing.

Any special interests, or hobbies you are rekindling during lockdown?

Anything Star Wars, and I am following the crazy US politics.

Best Podcast?

West Wing Weekly, although it’s now over sadly. 

Your playlist? 

Random shuffle on my iPhone.

What are you reading?

'Acid for the Children, a memoir by Flea'.

Can you share any projects you are working on?

A couple of workplaces, our house and my PhD at RMIT.

Favourite ‘Quarantini’?

An 'Old Fashioned'. It reminds me of travelling which I miss. 

Something new I’m learning in lockdown.

How to use Skype, Zoom, Teams and what VPN is.

Best piece of advice for getting through this together.

Saying yes to things you normally say no to is actually OK… just ask our kids.

About #hometogether

We’re all adapting to our ‘new normal’, staying home, but trying to stay connected. To help keep our community together we have invited our clients and friends to share what they are doing. How they are working, their tips, thoughts and ideas, and if you’re up for it, a few fun secrets too.

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